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Assisted Transport
For residents of London who have mobility problems there are several schemes to help them journey throughout London. The Travel Assistance Scheme is available from Transport for London www.Tfl.gov.uk or telephone 0207 222 1234. Advice is available for those over 18 years of age who would like to become a more independent traveller. The idea is to give people confidence to get out and about, for instance by helping to plan a journey and also advising how get used to using the low -floored buses/accessible Tube and Railway services. Opening hours are 08.00 until 18.00. Monday to Friday. Dial a Ride To use this scheme you will need to become a member. After you have completed the application form, you will then need to undergo a mobility assessment to see if you meet the necessary terms. Travel is then free. Temporary memberships can be made available for those who are visiting London who meet the same requirements. Dial a Ride operates as a door to door local short journey system, grouping people together who have the same or similar destinations. Bookings need be made in advance by contacting : For further help please contact : Taxicard Taxicard was inaugurated by Ken Livingstone in 1983. Since then it has provided a welcome independent door to door method of travel for those who are unable to use Trains, Buses and Tubes. It is a subsidised scheme which uses Licensed London Taxis . It is still possible to get a Taxicard if you GP recommends your application even if you do not receive any of the above allowances. Successful applicants are issued with a Taxicard which is swiped through a machine on entering the cab. Trips are allocated on annual basis and numbers vary according to passengers’ needs. Generally the passenger pays £1.50 for their journey up to a certain limit. Anything over the limit is paid as an extra by the passenger. There are quite a few boroughs who allow a double swipe of the passenger’s card thereby keeping the price due to paid lower, in fact £3.00 for two maximum fare trips. There is no limit to the distance travelled. Because of the varying meter rates in Licensed Taxis the passenger pays £1.50 on These rates may vary depending on the borough and designated subsidy. For information please contact www.taxicard.org or telephone 020 7484 2929 Capital Call Capital Call is another door to door subsidised service. It complements the Taxicard scheme in areas where there is likely to be a shortage of Licensed London Taxis. Instead Licensed Private Hire vehicles (minicabs) are used, but only those who are contracted to the scheme. The same criteria are applied to Capital Call applicants as those who are in possession of a Taxicard (see above). Taxicard members can also be members of Capital call and you will need to be a Taxicard member before you can become a member of Capital Call. Capital Call provides a central contact number( see below) through which you can book your journey with a contracted Licensed Private Hire firm. Instead of being allocated a certain number of journeys as with Taxicard, you will be allocated an annual budget of a particular value, maybe £250. Once this amount is used up then it will be the following April before it will be reallocated. Your payment is £1.50 as with Taxicard. How quickly you use up your budget depends on the length of the trips you make. Obviously the longer the trip the more it will cost. Bookings can be made by calling 020 7275 2446 providing the following information: The allocated cab will have an official Capital Call sticker in the windscreen. To apply as an existing Taxicard member you will need to: For those who do not have a Taxicard call 020 7484 2929 to apply or visit www.taxicard.org. For further information call Capital Call 020 7275 2446, Email capital call@hackneyct.org or write to: Any questions? E-mail me For tours, transfers and other taxi services see Dave's Taxi Page |